hees today go school hmm.. do wad nehh hahas..
orhh hahahahas.. today alot funny things hahahahahahas randall & vincent , elaine
hahahahahas today recess we five ; fanglin , elaine , me , shilesse , celine
hahahahas ki siao hahahas hook each other's arm den we walk walk walk hahash block ppl's way hahahahahas den we walk pass the corridoor den elaine stand at the extreme right mar hahahas
den we suddenly walk very fast den elaine bump into the dustbin hahahahahahahahahas
den me & fanglin like AHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH really crazy liao hahahahahs
so funny.. laugh until i tummy ache liao hahahahaas
den we go computer lab the guys all suddenly shout " we wanna see chicken wing !!!!! "
>.<" guess wads "chicken wing " -.- !!!
gosh bian tai de hahahahas
den go back dat time wahh.. dis time worst hahaahhas we really lame sia hahaahs this time 6 person hook together hahaahhahaahs den alot ppl mar cos lower sec school dismissed le den we at lvl2 hahahahas den we 6 lidat keep bumping into ppl ahahahahahahas den we walk to derh staircase there randall , vincent & ngee song behind us mar hahahaahahs den we purposely block up the way hahahahahahahahs dun let them cross hahahahahahas
we so "qian bian " sia hahaahhas..
hmm.. hahahahahahs den i walk home with xiaofen mar hahaahhas.. den i say her doggie call guai guai is wrong de cos so notti one den i sae call him guai guai got " fan xiao guo " only
den she AHLARMAK she tot she heard me sae "lan jiao gou" hahahahahahahs toot lehh
imagine someone call her doggie " lan jiao gou " gosh den so funny hahahas.. imagine you strolling in the park with yur dog den suddenly shout "lan jiao gou! " ahlarmak.. i tink ppl will vomit blood liao
COUNTING DOWN ;; 2DAYS TO 10 MONTH - so SCARED.. results show in like a few hrs..
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